Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Companies House Forms

Those of you whose practices are limited companies or LLPs will already have received a leaflet explaining about the next set of changes being introduced by the Companies Act 2009 with effect from 1 October 2009. In this article I want to draw your attention to the fact that new forms that are being introduced for filing documents with Companies House, and that those forms must be used for all documents filed after 1 October 2009. Any document filed using the old Companies Act 1985 forms after that date will be rejected by Companies House.

Only about 25 of the new forms affect IPs, and amongst the forms affected are: change of registered office (AD01); satisfaction of a mortgage or charge (MG02); notice of appointment of an administrative receiver, receiver or manager (LQ01); notice of ceasing to act as an administrative receiver, receiver or manager (LQ02); and similar documents for LLPs. A full list of the forms affected can be found at http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/forms/formsAvailable.shtml#non_companies_act.

I understand that Turnkey will be incorporating the new forms into a release planned for the end of this month, and those of you using CCH or Insolv should contact your providers to make sure that they are also going to incorporate the new forms in their systems.

One other point to bear in mind is that Companies House intend to start charging for filing certain documents. The documents for which a charge will be made, or the level of those charges is not yet known, but details will appear on the page of their web-site given above in due course.