We are increasingly finding that IPs are over-looking company web-sites in liquidations and administrations and are failing to deal with them.
The company’s domain name (web-site address) is a potential asset that can be realised. You should check the registration certificate issued by the internet service provider (ISP) who hosts the web-site in order to make sure that the company actually owns its own web-site. If the directors are unable to provide the registration certificate you should search on www.who.is to ascertain the name of the owner. The realisable value of a web-site is something that you will need advice about from your agents, but the value is usually expressed as a multiple of the number of hits on the web-site. Clearly you will also need to ensure that you have reminded the directors about the provisions of section 216 where the purchasers are connected to the company in liquidation.
Until the domain name can be realised you should contact the ISP and either arrange for them to close down the web-site or to request that they place a notice on the web-site indicating that the company is in liquidation and setting out details of the office holder.