Friday, February 25, 2011

Index for our standard documents at The Creditor Gateway

Earlier this year we saw a client using The Creditor Gateway ( They provide a service where IPs can upload reports, proposals and other documents onto an internet portal. This allows the IP to issue a much shorter covering letter to creditors, saving on postage, printing, copying, staff time, etc. We were really impressed with how easy it was to get documents online and how reasonable the charges were, usually below the cost to the IP of the postage alone. We saw the potential in this, not just for you and your notices, but also for our core documents.

They are currently loading 45 of our core documents onto a portal and when it is complete we will circulate our visit clients (and any non-clients who have purchased access rights) with an access code allowing you to go onto the portal and collect copies of the documents you want. We would recommend that you try it out so that you see how good The Creditor Gateway is, even if you don’t actually want to download anything at the moment. Once on our page, there is a link in the bottom right hand corner that shows you their prices. We think you’ll be as impressed as we were.

The following is an index of the documents you will be able to download:

Engagement letters

1 ADM Engagement Letter v3
2 CVA Engagement Letter v3
3 CVL Engagement Letter v4
4 Engagement letter Terms and Conditions
5 IVA Engagement Letter v4
6 MVL Engagement Letter v2

Progress reports, Final progress reports and Pro-forma ADM proposals

7 ADM final progress report with new rules BB v3
8 ADM progress report with new rules BB v2
9 BKY annual report with new rules BB v1
10 BKY final report with new rules BB v2
11 CVL, MVL, CWU annual report with new rules BB v4
12 CVL, MVL, CWU final report with new rules BB v5
13 Pro-forma Administrator’s proposals – meeting of creditors convened v2010 rules
14 Pro-forma Administrator’s proposals – no meeting of creditors convened 2010 rules

Reviewing checklists for post 6 April 2010 cases

Please note that these are reviewing checklists, not case progression checklists or work programmes

15 ADM
16 ADM to CVL
17 ADR
18 BKY
19 CVA
20 CVL
21 CWU
22 IVA
23 MVL

Reviewing checklists for pre 6 April 2010 cases

Please note that these are reviewing checklists, not case progression checklists or work programmes

24 ADM (pre 4-10)
25 ADM (pre 4-10) to CVL
26 ADR (pre 4-10)
27 BKY (pre 4-10)
28 CVA (pre 4-10)
29 CVL (pre 4-10)
30 CWU (pre 4-10)
31 IVA (pre 4-10)
32 MVL (pre 4-10)

33 6 monthly case review sheet

34 Bond calculation sheet version 2010 (with formulae)

35 Case strategy note

36 CVL work programme and checklist

37 Ethics checklist – corporate appointments v2
38 Ethics checklist – personal appointments v3

39 Investigation checklist

40 Money laundering risk assessment – corporate appointments v7
41 Money laundering risk assessment – personal appointments v5

42 On appointment case review sheet

43 Pension scheme checklist

44 Practice fee recovery sheet long pro-forma 2010
45 Practice fee recovery sheet pro-forma

As with any of our documents, they are aids to you in doing your work, not a statement of law and you should not rely on them without satisfying yourself that you are happy with their content. Compliance On Call cannot accept any liability for loss or penalty suffered by anyone using the documents. Having said that, we've tried to make them as good as we can and we'd happily take feedback to improve them further, so if you spot a typo or similar, please let us know!