Friday, June 24, 2011

Companies House – yet again!

As you are all aware, rule 4.49C(4) states that the liquidator does not have to prepare an annual progress report for any period that ends after the they have sent a draft final report to the creditors. It is an eminently sensible rule that is designed to cut out unnecessary duplication of reporting when you are already closing a case when the anniversary comes around.

Despite the rule being clear and unequivocal we have become aware that Companies House are rejecting final reports sent to them in such circumstances because an annual progress report has not been lodged. Bill has already had a rant about the approach of Companies House generally (see Article dated 21 April) and this is another example of their lack of understanding.

If your final return is rejected in such circumstances then you should write back to them politely pointing out the provisions of rule 4.49C(4) and respectfully requesting that they proceed to file the said report. If they reject another of your final returns for the same reason you could consider making a formal complaint to them about their service so that eventually they become snowed under with such complaints. That is a slightly more reasonable approach than Bill’s frustrated suggestion that you should complain to your local MP so that the Insolvency Service has to reply to each query via the Minister!