I am sure that you are all aware that exiting from Administration to CVL is now a two stage process for cases where the 2010 Rules apply:
• issuing a notice of move on Form 2.34B to the Registrar of Companies, the Court and the creditors; and
• once the notice has been registered, sending a final progress report to the Registrar or Companies, the creditors and all those who received notice of the appointment, such as the company.
The reason for issuing this reminder is that recently we have seen a Big 4 firm get it wrong, using the old procedure and issuing a final progress report with a notice of move to CVL! Whilst I am sure that you are all following the correct procedure, I just wanted to take this opportunity to remind you, and also to make the point that just because you see a Big 4 firm doing something, that does not necessarily make it right!