Insolvency Compliance Reviews - Compliance On Call is an established and highly respected provider of UK insolvency compliance services, providing reviews, documents, online technical support, and ad-hoc compliance assistance to suit each practice. Directors Bill Burch and Gareth Limb, together with Jenny Sheen, have over 70 years' combined insolvency experience and have directly assisted hundreds of IPs with their compliance.
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Updated SIP 9 Guidance Notes
It has just been brought to our attention R3 have now updated the Guidance Notes for creditors to reflect the changes made to SIP 9 in November 2011. We don’t know when these were changed, but you should immediately start using them for all cases commenced on or after 6 April 2010, either directing creditors to the page of the R3 web-site where they can be found - – or putting a copy of them on your own web-site and directing creditors to that.
A quick reminder that paragraph 7 of SIP 9 requires you to direct creditors to a suitable explanatory note in the first communication with creditors following appointment and in each subsequent report to creditors.