Wednesday, April 06, 2016

CDDA reporting guidance issued

The Insolvency Service has now released some initial guidance for IPs on the new online reporting regime, which can be accessed by clicking here.  The Guidance explains how you log in to the online reporting system using your IP number and email address recorded in Insolvency Service’s database of IPs.  Whilst the Insolvency Service did conduct an exercise last year of contacting all IPs and asking them to check the information held in the database I think that it would be worth quickly double-checking it now to ensure that the Insolvency Service have your correct information as otherwise you will not be able to submit any online reports.  You can access the database of IPs to check the accuracy of your information by clicking here.  

I am meeting a representative of the Insolvency Service next week in order to raise various issues we have got with the new CDDA reporting regime.  If there are any particular issues that you would like me to raise, please email me at  I will post a Blog Article after the meeting to give you an update.