Monday, February 24, 2020

New R3 Website

First the good news.  You will no doubt have received an email from R3 telling you that their new website is now up and running.

Now for the bad news.  All the landing pages on the website for the SIP 9 Guidance Notes, the Creditors’ Guides and the Committee Guide are new, so any links currently in your letters, reports and other documents to the R3 website will no longer work.  You will have to insert new links to the new website in those letters etc.

Some more good news though is that the address of the R3 microsite providing general guidance and information to creditors remains unchanged,

Some further good news is that R3 have provided a list of links to various resources on their old website, such as the SIP 9 Guidance Notes, and the equivalent link to the same resource on their new website. You can find that list at Please note that you will need to be logged in to view the page.