Monday, February 10, 2020

Temporary R3 website issue

We heard last week that R3 took their website down for a re-build on Friday 31 January. We understand that it will be down for around 3 weeks. R3 have helpfully put a note on the site which says:

“If you are a creditor, member or director and have been directed to the R3 website to access ‘Creditor Guides’, ‘Fee Guides’, ‘SIPs’ (Statement of Insolvency Practice) or any other form of technical material then please contact our Technical team at, who will be able to provide these publications to you.”

If you are currently pointing creditors and others to the R3 website for any of the required documentation, you should consider using a different address as a temporary measure, although we understand that Ben has not exactly been swamped by requests for documents so far!

The creditor insolvency guide micro-site is still running normally and both the IPA and the ICAEW have the fee guides and SIPs on their websites. If you are happy enough with the holding response on the website and decide not to change your links for now, you should amend them when the new R3 site is up and running.